Head: Dr. Antonello Calcutta (PhD)
GEM BIOBANK is the structural and functional unit of Biogem dedicated to the biobanking activities of biological material manipulated by both its research groups and external collaborators. GEM BIOBANK is a NO-PROFIT biobank.
Since it stores biological samples from different research areas, GEM BIOBANK is as a multi-specialist biobank, even if its main focus is translational medicine for the treatment of tumor diseases. In fact, a common thread that connects the different Biogem research groups is the molecular investigation of tumor processes. Therefore translational studies represent an element of convergence.
The acronym GEM has a dual function: from the English gem/diamond, it refers to the size of the biobank that in a space of just 80 sqm aims to collect hundreds of thousands (up to millions) of highly classified biological samples and from the acronym, Molecular Genetics of BIOGEM, referring to the kind of scientific research that it aims to support being a nascent "rib" of the BIOGEM research institute.
The store spaces of the GEM-BIOBANK include two cryogenic environments: Room 1 and Room 2.
Both rooms are equipped with cryogenic lines that, by independently transporting liquid nitrogen (-196 °C), ensure greater resilience of the biobanking system in the event of a failure on one of the two lines. Room 1 and Room 2 are fully automated and monitored for pressure, temperature and humidity. The systems that manage the rooms are designed to ensure their cooling and heating by controlling their internal parameters. The cryogenic containers, both freezers operating at -80°C and dewars operating at -180°C, are supervised 24/7, in each of their operations. Supervision is performed also remotely.
Being very new, the total capacity of the biobank will depend on the type of cryobiological containers that will be progressively used based on the needs or on the nature of the biomaterial that will be stored. According to an initial estimate, Room 1 could contain at least 400k vials and Room 2 no less than 450k vials; the total capacity will depend on the technology used and the type of samples that will be stored. In the case of small samples, both Room 1 and Room 2 can store up to a million samples each.
In addition to the storage spaces, the biobank includes an acceptance and laboratory spaces shared by the different Biogem groups. Therefore, the GEM BIOBANK has both sample preparation and analysis capabilities.
The biobank was born in an ISO9001 context, and aims to soon enter the BBMRI-ERIC circuit and become the first ISO20387 accredited biobank located in the south of Italy.
Main services
Anyone can contact us in order to deposit biological samples of interest or to participate in a scientific research project.
Services include:
- Collection of biological samples: we can collect a wide range of them, such as blood, tissues, saliva, urine, DNA, RNA and other biological materials from patients, healthy volunteers or donors.
- Rental of storage spaces. We have the possibility to rent entire cryopreservation spaces such as dewars operating at -180°C or freezers operating at -80°C
- Participation in national and international research projects with both public and private bodies
Even if it is NON-PROFIT, the biobank has fees for the storage of samples that are necessary for the management and conservation of the sample.