Hematology and Histopathology Laboratory
Head: Dr. Nicola Rinaldo
The Hematology and Biochemistry Laboratory analyses samples from in vivo studies in compliance with GLP standards, for the following kinds:
- Hematology
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Urinalysis
- Coagulation tests.
- Full blood count with leukocyte formula starting from samples of 25uL
- Peripheral blood smears with blank observations and specific stains.
Equipment in use: VetScan HM5 hemocytometers; Horiba Pentra60
Clinical Biochemistry:
- Automated spectrophotometric analyses of serum, plasma and urine for the determination of multiple analytical targets (renal, hepatic, lipemic panel and customizable panels);
- Determination of inflammatory, receptor, hormonal and other kind of targets with ELISA method.
Equipment in use: Spectrophotometers Biotecnica instrumenti BT1500; Global 240. PerkinElmer EnSpire plate spectrophotometer.
- Semi-quantitative urinary analysis with reactive strips for the evaluation of different analytical targets (e.g. Glucose, Creatinine, Blood, pH, SG, etc.)
- Automated spectrophotometric urinary analysis for the quantification of Creatinine, Phosphates, Magnesium, Urea, and Electrolytes using an ISE potentiometric reading system;
Equipment in use: Aution Micro urinary strip reader
Coagulation test:
- Quantification of coagulation parameters (PT, APTT; Fibrinogen) using automated analytical systems.
Equipment in use: Tridema laboratory Arkimeds Coagulometer
The Histopathology Laboratory processes and analyzessamples of organs and tissues from in vivo studies in compliance with GLP standards, performing the following specific activities.
- Fixation, Trimming and inclusion in Paraffin/OCT;
- Sectioning and cryosectioning;
- Standard and special staining (H&E, Price Giemsa, PAS, Alcian PAS etc.);
- Immunostaining;
- Image acquisition (slide scans);
- Histological evaluations (cell morphology, cyto/histological alterations, cell proliferation, apoptosis etc.).
Equipment in use: Nikon StereoMicroscope, Nikon Eclipse E200 Inverted Microscope; Leica DM5000B Microscope; Hamamatsu Nanozumer slide scanner; Gemini automatic stainer; Excelsior automatic processor; Thermo embedding unit; Thermo rotary microtome; Leica slide microtome