
    Biogem present at the international oncology conference in Rotterdam

    The Biogem Molecular and Precision Oncology laboratory participated to the yearly conference of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR 2024), which took place in Rotterdam. The group, led by professor Michele Caraglia, presented a work (first author Marianna Scrima) on the transcriptomic characterization of single cells from patients with laryngeal carcinoma. ''The study – says Alessia Cossu, one of the authors – was carried out thanks to the fundamental contribution of the Biogem Bioinformatics and Computational Biology laboratory and aims to fully understand intra-tumoral heterogeneity, i.e. the diversity between the cells of a single tumor''.

    The Dutch conference is part of the intense promotion and communication activity of basic, preclinical and translational research on cancer, carried out by the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and targeting a community of about 12.000 researchers, working in over 100 countries.

    Biogem present in Lithuania for the fourth meeting of the CONNECT project

    The event, scheduled on June 25-26 in the charming city of Kaunas, virtually concludes the activities of the COST-Action 'CONNECT 2020-2024', the international research network on cognitive decline in chronic kidney disease, which had among its main players the scientific director of Biogem, Prof. Giovambattista Capasso. Even if unable to be physically present, he is involved in the two-day Lithuanian meeting with several talks, including the opening and closing talks. Prof. Capasso says that this meeting ''represents the opportunity to sum up the results achieved up to now from the CONNECT project (which will last until next October), but will serve, above all, to lay the foundations for an immediate re-launch of the initiative, with the hope of getting new EC funding''. A result that Professor Capasso thinks is likely, considering the successful ''networking of studies, moreover multidisciplinary, on the causal relationships between chronic kidney disease and cognitive disorders, considered pioneering only until a few years ago, but which today arouse the attention of the entire scientific community''.

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